Saturday, November 10, 2012

When all in the mind is a blur

When all in the mind is a blur
When the irregularities of this existence
become staples of the waking hours
When the moon is so full
That the light confuses the owls,
When there is no time to consider the priest,
The forklift operator, the sculptress, the strawberry picker...
Events occur that have the power to change your life faster than a tossed coin reveals heads or tails.  Sometimes they are realized on spot, though the gravity tends to set in over low and high tides, the changing of the seasons, the graying of your hair.

Such an event happened unpredictably in my life, setting off a chain of events that influenced my decisions to lead me to where I am currently.  And now, after  10 weeks of neglecting a portion of myself in order to dedicate myself fully to work (which has become hardly distinguishable from life), I look back at old posts and reflect on what I wrote April 23, 2011, just over a year and half ago. 

My conclusion on wealth is this: You are as wealthy as the world you leave for the future generations. You can measure it by the smiles around you, the blossoming spring flowers, a crying child. I'm trying to do my part by building and planting and nurturing (maybe a little too literally), but why not join me in your own way?

I’d like to add to this.  Wealth is the ability to sustain yourself.  To sustain a relationship, a home, a job, a lifestyle, an environment, a community.  To sustain these happily, creatively, without wishing for something else.  For such a simple idea, it takes a lifetime to achieve such a balance.  Or rather to sustain this balance.  Or maybe the sustaining of this balance is illusory, for you’ll always be on one side of the seesaw.  Thank history and fate to be born in the era of the ‘evolved’ consciousness.
I wonder what I'll have to add to this a year an a half later.  I wonder if i'll still be on a rock in the middle of the sea.  I didn't think I'd be here now.  I thought I would be here, somewhere else.  What a silly thought.

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